Monday, March 3, 2008

Strudel or Stroodle

Acording to it can also be speleed Strudel. This is the same way that austrians spell it. And Austrians look really cool in tight pants/ Purple tights. JK! What I'm meaning to say is that George Clooney was really really awesome on ER.
To Sum up everything in this post
1. Austrians have small packages
2. George Clooney is a nice guy
3. Mike Huckabee's forigen policy has no way to deal with the Taliban. The Taliban's affect on the war in Iraq could prevent a clean exit from the war, no matter when that is. Also he has not sufficiently dealt with Rual Castro coming into power of Cuba. For instance: he has not said if trade embargo's set up during the Castro era would still be in affect. Or if we could even ally with them. This is a subject that all canidates have tried to avoide to address, not only Huckabee.
4. Studel AND! Stroodle are ok spellings with me


Unknown said...

Mike Huckabee is a great man and you have no right to say stuff like that. I mean, he loves america more than anything else. Except Jesus. THAT IS DEFAMATION! U IZ VIOLATIN THE FIRST AMMENDENDMENT! YOU COULD GO TO JAIL! VOTE REPUBLICAAAAAAN!

Nathan said...

*Cough*Republican Trash*Cough*